Services & Activities
Decistor is dedicated to producing highest quality results in waste management consulting services. Our activities are based on broad waste management experience, own economic concepts and techno-economical modelling.
Decistor’s consulting activities:
Integrated Solid Waste Management, with specialization:
- waste economics
- organisation positioning
- technology selection
- organisation positioning
- technology selection
Urban mining solutions:
- waste determination and quality assessment
- functional design of plants
- detailed analysis of operational challenges (sometimes called problems)
- operations management
- functional design of plants
- detailed analysis of operational challenges (sometimes called problems)
- operations management
R&D in:
- materials recovery
- quality determination
- design of quality assessment tools and methods
- quality determination
- design of quality assessment tools and methods
In its work Decistor can rely on strong partnership with Technical University Delft which supported us in developing a unique software tool called Decistor SPS® - Solids Process Simulator.