1. Overview ParsimPro application with a demo plant. This video clip with a duration of 7 minutes gives an overview over the consecutive steps of making and using a project with Decistor SPS. The optimization can be done by causing a pauses during a run, change the settings and evaluate the results -total mass and ferrous yield- for the various outputs. The run, simulating one hour minutes of operation, is taking a couple of minutes. The Clean Scrap Machine (CSM) is a Black-box. This means it is created by using test data of existing machines. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14otw6L193VVk43M2ZEU1VmYmM/edit
- 0:00 A new project is created in the database of the ‘company’ Resteel;
- 0:15 A flow chart is created, choosing generalized Unit Operations Models (UOM’s) from a list;
- 1:02 Streams are connecting the UOM’s;
- 1:40 The layout of the flow chart is improved;
- 2:05 The names of the UOM’s are customized;
- 2:30 The scheduler is used to select the input, size of the input heap, feed rate and duration of the batch (multiple inputs are possible at different entries of flow charts);
- 3:15 The simulator is started, consistency of the flow chart can be checked;
- 3:20 Operational parameters can be set during the simulate mode;
- 3:40 The hand sorting is being defined: number of pickers, material to select, stickiness, residence time etc.;
- 4:35 Monitors are connected to the streams (multiple monitors and contracts per stream or UOM are possible);
- 5:15 The monitor values are shown in graphs; the run starts;
- 5:20 During the run, one can pause and change operational settings to see what the effects are to the selected stream;
- 6:15 One can choose what data are saved for further use;
- 6:25 The output heaps can be examined and used as input for other process simulations; (Heap size, moisture content and heap composition divided over size classes)
2. Maximize product-output mass while ferrous yield of total cleaned steel products is at least 95%. This clip with a duration of 5 minutes shows how recovery percentages and quality requirements can be optimized with Decistor SPS. The operational settings of two Clean Scrap Machines and of the sorting belts are changed to find the best match. The optimization can be done by causing a pauses during a run, change the settings and evaluate the results -total mass and ferrous yield- for the various outputs. The run, simulating 52 minutes of operation, is taking a couple of minutes. The Clean Scrap Machines are Black-boxes. This means they were created by using test data of existing machines. At the end of the clip, the composition of the output heaps per size fraction and as percentage of the total mass of the heaps is shown. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14otw6L193VX01mVXFueUpIcjg/edit