Decistor SPSĀ®
In cooperation with TU Delft, Decistor developed a Simulation Model to support decision making in design, investment and operations of Materials Recovery Facilities.
While managing recycling facilities ourselves, we realized that we needed better tools to design, monitor and operate these facilities. The search for existing applications taught us that there were no such tools available, so we had to develop it ourselves. Products derived from waste are input for other processes. The value of these mixed bulk products is heavily depending on the uniformity and consistency in quality.
As a result, waste treatment facilities are getting more complex and require bigger investments. A software tool helps to manage the complicated operations and their economics successfully.
We do not believe our work ends with the launching of a software model; in fact it just starts now. After five years of software development we have a tool to serve different clients: from first stage sorters to commodity traders and researchers. Out of these different client groups some organisations are welcomed as co-developer of further knowledge.
We try to bring together in the model the theoretical knowledge in the field of modelling, physical properties and materials handling with practical knowledge, condensed in rules of thumb of machine-suppliers and user-specialists.
The software is discrete and dynamic, to make it possible to deal with the properties of wastes as they are a mixture of solid particles.
Short demo-movies show how the software operates.