About Urban Mining Software

The ParsimPro simulation software is Discrete & Dynamic.

Discrete: It’s about particles, just like in real life. A series of properties determines for each particle at each “machine” the probability that it ends up in a particular product.

Dynamic: Time is running, just like in real life. The particles are transported from machine to machine.

The discrete and dynamic nature of software is an important difference from Excel-like solutions. With ParsimPro simulation software it is possible to take into account particle properties like size and shape and to describe loops in the system, e.g. a shredder-screen combination.

The value of ParsimPro simulation software
The computer is for “Trial and error”. Here you make the plan. Inside the plant facility, the plan is implemented. This saves a lot of expensive time-consuming trial and error in the real-life system.


What are the applications by the end of 2014:

    • Describe waste unambiguously;
    • Describe separation processes based on general models developed by TU Delft;
    • Calculate efficiency of (parts of) separation plante;
    • Determine the composition of products;
    • Determine whether the products from separation plants meet requirements of customers;
    • Calculate the value of products;
    • Determine the operation of separation devices based on experiments (Blackbox);
    • Determine the most appropriate properties of materials to separate them from eachother.

For research:

  •  Advanced (at particle level) describe waste fractions using an in house developed device: the PCD;

The propositions on which ParsimPro simulation software has been developed:

  • Solid waste is mixed bulk
  • Mixed Bulk is a mix of “particles” with various characteristics (material, size, shape)
  • The mix is divided into fractions: collections of particles with similar characteristics
  • Based on 10 to 20 fractions the quality of mixed bulk can be determined
  • This should be done statistically sound.

Decistor PCD
The PCD of Decistor is our Particle Characterization Device. The device is developed to assess the quality of heaps. Based on a described sampling protocol the heap will be quantified. The collecting of your heap data using the Decistor PCD is digitally facilitated with the ParsimPro simulation software.