Decistor and ParsimPro Simulation software

Transform solid waste management into urban mining

The challenge of the recycling industry is to produce raw materials that can compete on price and quality with virgin materials. These secondary raw materials -bulk products containing solid particles- are used as feedstock for the production of energy, building materials or new metals and plastics. The accelerating development of this industry leads to a growing demand for unambiguous quality description of materials in contracts, smart design of recycling facilities and flexible operations in order to meet specifications.

Decistor offers consultancy and software support for design, operations management and contract definition of this ‘urban mining’. In partnership with the Resources and Recycling group of the Technical University Delft we developed an approach and the ParsimPro simulation software, the only software tool for discrete and dynamic simulation of mixed bulk . Other universities and clients provide knowledge too. The software and its growing libraries incorporate 25 years of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of waste handling, liberation and separation.


Decistor offers consultancy and simulation software for Urban Mining. To facilitate data gathering for simulation we offer a tool for efficient particle characterization.

Consultancy and simulation focus on technical and economic challenges. We do feasibility studies for new configurations, commissioning and plants in operation. The software is suitable for all these phases in plant management.

We focus at the moment on ferrous and non-ferrous metals recovery and plastics recycling. However, our tools and knowledge are not exclusive to these branches but widely adapted in other branches of waste treatment. We are experienced in several waste categories, such as Municipal, Building and Demolition waste and contaminated soil.

Decistor is able to make a difference in assessing product quality, performance of equipment and even at the level of a fully integrated system. We normally start at the backside: What are the product requirements? Decistor gives sound solutions with compelling evidence from theory, simulations and practical experience.

Decistor heeft instrumenten ontwikkeld voor haar eigen adviespraktijk voor de recyclingindustrie. Echter, als u geïnteresseerd bent om deze producten te gebruiken zijn kunt u contact met ons opnemen. Wij zullen uw vragen beantwoorden of regelen een demonstratie.

Before investing in a set of equipment ,it can be wise to think about the treatment strategy: to match the product requirements with particle characterization, demand for flexibility and the like. We try to design as simple and robust as possible: Start with scooping off the large amounts of easy to remove materials. Than go into the deep and try to scoop out the delicate materials. With our expertise and tooling we explore alternative methods. The Blackbox tool can support in a kind of ‘reverse engineering’ of a plant.
The configuration of devices into an integrated system is a challenge for process technology and operations management. With our expertise and software support alternative configurations and settings can be assessed. The influence of a new device on the results of an existing installation can be checked.
Equipment performance is critical to whether your investment will change from cost center to profit generator within the planned timeframe. Our expertise for machines such as eddy current, ballistic and magnetic separators and shredders is clear. With our pre-programmed 'whitebox' models, we can describe the effects of these widely used machines in waste treatment plants. In the event that you invested in a machine of which we have no whitebox model, we can use neural network technology to create an adequate model based on data collected at your location.
As a player in the supply chain, the quality of the products you deliver or the quality of products delivered to you is crucial in the processing at your clients plant and your own facility. We have expertise and tools to assess the quality of mixed bulk products. With the simulation software a comparison can be made of the value of products in various contracts in order to achieve profit maximization. With this data conversations with suppliers and customers will be a success. Our assessments can be introduced in negotiations and quality assurance issues.